Hormones are some of the most active substances in your body. They transmit signals from the ‘control centre’ to the target organs. Hormones are responsible for your development, ageing, metabolism, reproduction, mood, and cognitive function as well as help develop habits and behavioural patterns. In other words, hormones control your physiology.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a powerful, natural, and precision tool for managing nearly all physiological processes your hormones take part in. But this is particularly true for the conditions causing a decrease in natural hormone production due to physiological or disease-related reasons.
The former include, but are not limited to, ageing, menopause/andropause, and postpartum period when breastfeeding results in inhibition of ovarian activity. The latter include various conditions after ovarian surgery, IVF, and chemotherapy, depression and insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, sexual dysfunction, infertility, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and many more.
Natural hormonal products can activate metabolic processes, increase your performance and physical/psycho-emotional stress resistance, help achieve great sports results and enhance dieting effects, improve sexuality, memory, and mood, and normalize sleep.