Ideally, abdominoplasty is indicated for realistic physically healthy men and women, aged 25–65, who are ready to strictly stick to the recovery recommendations. After surgery, you should keep a healthy diet, count calories, and balance proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. After 5–6 weeks, you’ll need to restore your back and abdominal muscle strength once you take off your corset.
Contraindications to abdominoplasty
We don’t perform abdominoplasty if you have the following pathologies and conditions:
• Multiple allergies to anaesthetic agents
• Lactation
• Severe diabetes mellitus
• Untreated grade II–III hypertension and severe diseases of internal organs
• Frequently relapsing chronic infectious diseases or acute infections
• Oncological diseases
• Clotting disorder
Women should keep in mind that abdominoplasty is a contraindication to conception within 1 year after surgery.
Abdominoplasty techniques
Today’s abdominoplasty offers the following types of procedures:
1. Standard abdominoplasty.
2. Extended abdominoplasty with umbilical repositioning.
3. Abdominoplasty with liposuction. It’s perfect for those who—in addition to skin folds—have excess fat deposits in the abdominal area and at the sides of the waistline.
4. Mini-abdominoplasty. The procedure is indicated for minor defects. The navel remains in place. The surgeon makes a single pubic incision.
5. Dermolipectomy (abdominal plastic surgery) to fix an apron belly.
If the procedure doesn’t require the surgeon to remove a significant amount of fat, while the patient doesn’t have large skin folds, the latter may be offered to undergo endoscopic abdominoplasty—a minimally invasive procedure which results in less scarring.
Where can I undergo abdominoplasty in Kyiv?
You can undergo aesthetic surgery to correct the size and shape of your abdomen, waistline, back, and buttocks at plastic surgery clinics only. In Kyiv, one of the best options is Grace Clinic —a modern hospital with the state-of-the-art equipment and innovative materials. We employ highly experienced plastic surgeons with a long track record and spotless reputation, highly qualified nurses, and competent and courteous medical staff.
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