Male genital

The disadvantages of the intimate zone can not only cause psychological discomfort and the appearance of complexes, but also affect the functionality of the genitals. Intimate male surgery can eliminate these shortcomings.

Male intimate plastic surgery ceases to be something extraordinary, correction of the genitals is performed all the more often in order to eliminate cosmetic defects, return an attractive appearance to delicate areas, as well as improve their functions and sensitivity.

Plastic surgery of male intimate areas: indications

Indications for male intimate plastic surgery can be both medical and aesthetic.

  1. Dissatisfaction with the appearance of the genitals (size, shape).
  2. Genital dysfunction (erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorder, difficulty urinating, etc.).

Experienced doctors of the Grace Clinic will help to cope with these and other problems that significantly affect the quality of life of a man.

At the consultation, an andrologist will conduct an examination, prescribe a diagnosis and discuss with the patient options for surgical treatment (plastic surgery of the male genital organs).

If possible, the doctor will try to solve the problem in a non-surgical way. And in case of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment and the absence of contraindications to surgical intervention, he will prescribe a surgical operation using minimally invasive methods.

The urologists of our clinic have extensive experience in the field of intimate plastic surgery for men and carry out successful operations of varying degrees of complexity. We offer the following types of intimate male plastic surgery:

  1. Correction of the genitals: testicular endoprosthetics, denervation of the glans penis, scrotum lift (scrotum lifting).
  2. Penile plasty: circumcisio, plasty of the frenum of the penis, plasty of the curvature of the penis.
  3. Penis size correction: ligamentotomy, lipofilling, penile thickening, penis thickening with fillers.

Types of operations

Endoprosthetics of the testicle

Endoprosthetics of the testicle

This type of surgery involves replacing a testicle, which is removed or has been removed earlier (due to injury or tumor) with a soft silicone prosthesis, which is individually selected in size.

Denervation of the glans penis

Denervation of the glans penis

This is a modern procedure that allows you to solve problems with accelerated ejaculation and increase the time of intercourse. Premature ejaculation with hypersensitivity of the glans penis is a delicate problem for a man, which can cause a lot of inconvenience in his personal life and undermine self-esteem.

Scrotum lift (scrotum lifting)

Scrotum lift (scrotum lifting)

The skin in the scrotum is subject to age-related changes and the action of gravity. Over time, it sags and stretches, which looks unaesthetic and can cause discomfort while moving. Such kind of intimate male surgery as lifting (tightening) of the scrotum reduces it while maintaining functionality.



Circumcisio is the surgical removal of a narrowed foreskin. Most often circumcisio is performed for the reasons:

  • phimosis - a strong narrowing of the foreskin, due to which it is impossible to bare the head of the penis;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • recurrence of inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin;
  • bleeding and rupture of the frenum of the foreskin after intercourse;
  • an urgent circumcisio can be performed if the drawn foreskin does not return to its original position and clamps the head of the penis, which begins to swell.
Penile frenum plasty

Penile frenum plasty

The frenulum is a fold of skin that connects the glans penis to the foreskin. It affects the condition of the penis when it is in a state of erection. Almost 16% of men between the ages of 17 and 25 have a ruptured or torn frenum. This can cause serious problems, for example, a violation of potency. Plastic surgery of the frenum will help to avoid such troubles in the future. The operation is performed by a surgeon-urologist.

Penile curvature plastic

Penile curvature plastic

In the early stages of Peyronie's disease (curved penis), conservative treatments are used. Therapy is aimed at preventing the formation of fibrous tissue, slowing down the further development of the disease and preventing its progression. If during the year conservative therapy has not provided the desired effect and no improvement is observed, surgical correction is needed (plastic surgery of the male genital organs). Treatment of the congenital form of the disease is only surgical.

Penis size correction

Penis size correction

The size of the penis depends on the characteristics of the man's body and his heredity. In some cases, insufficient size of the penis is due to hormonal disorders or congenital anomalies. At the moment, the only effective way to enlarge the penis is surgery. Such intimate plastic for men is in great demand. We offer the following types of penile size correction surgeries - ligamentotomy, lipofilling, penile thickening, penis thickening with fillers.

Our approach to male genital plastic surgery

Our approach to male genital plastic surgery

Problems that are directly related to the sexual sphere should be treated with special sensitivity. After all, they can affect the general quality of a man's life, cause psychological discomfort and significant complexes.

Therefore, operations on the genitals require the extraordinary professionalism of the surgeon. Our urologists apply an individual approach to each client, have many years of surgical experience, and have a huge number of satisfied patients on their account.


What is included in the package by type of genital plastic surgery?

Package by type of surgery "Male genital plastic surgery"

1. Preoperative consultation:

    • urologist's consultation
    • anesthesiologist consultation

2. Standard package of analyzes

3. ECG (according to the operation)

4. Ultrasound (according to the operation)

5. X-ray examination (according to the operation)

6. Endoscopic examinations (according to the operation)

7. Intensive care ward

8. Оperation

9. Anesthesia

10. Hospital

    • hospital room
    • individual medical examination - personal doctor on duty
    • personal nurse
    • individual dietary meals

11. Postoperative examination (first 10 days after surgery)

12. Annual medical support

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