A pellet is a granulated microimplant being inserted under your skin in the buttocks or the anterior abdominal wall. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and generally takes 3–5 minutes. The insertion site is practically invisible.
Bioidentical pellets naturally regulate endocrine and metabolic processes, improve physique, emotions, aesthetics, and health, have an anti-ageing effect, facilitate weight loss, and reduce water retention. They enhance your energy and sexuality, help release both physical and mental tension, improve cognitive function and mood, have an antidepressant effect, and normalize sleep.
That is why they’re also known as ‘beauty chips’, a long-term release pharmacological complex enhancing aesthetics, sexuality, and energy resources of your body.
Pellets are implanted to normalize a range of physiological and metabolic processes:
● Enhancing your body’s energy resource, activity level, and tolerance to stress
● Losing weight, reducing swelling and cellulite, and improving body contours
● Enhancing cognitive function
● Normalizing mood and sleep
● Anti-ageing
● Postpartum rehabilitation
● Boosting libido
● Improving athletic performance
Bioidentical pellets don’t need to be removed, as they are natural and thereby are completely dissolved by your body. New pellets can be inserted once the effects of the previous ones are over.