Consult a breast physician to prevent or treat breast disorders.
The changes you notice can be the signs of breast diseases and/or a certain physiological condition of your mammary glands. The expert you need is a breast physician who will examine the condition of your mammary glands and, if necessary, prescribe the right treatment.
Consult a breast oncologist if you’re a woman with the following symptoms:
• Lumps in the breasts
• Tenderness on palpation
• Nipple discharge other than breast milk
• Inguinal lymph node enlargement
• Swelling and redness
• Milk retention in lactating women
• Flaky skin in the nipple area
• Breast asymmetry
• Areola deformation
A thorough breast examination is as follows: the doctor will ask you about your complaints, examine your breasts with the pads of the fingers, and review the symptoms. The doctor will then use the findings to get a preliminary clinical picture of your condition. You’ll feel safe and secure during the consultation with your breast physician. Additional assessments may be considered to make a more precise diagnosis.